I already heard the news before my dad text me.

“Reverend Billy Graham passed away this morning February 21 at his home in North Carolina at the age of 99. Now he can fully rest in the arms of the One he served so faithfully.”

An icon of North American Christianity was gone. And it gave me reason to pause and think about who this man was, what he had done, and what would happen to the Church in North American now that their pastor was gone.


Billy Graham was a man, a man just like any other man.

As I text my dad, he reminded me of what Billy Graham spoke so much about.

”A sinner has gone home.”

Just as fallen as you and I are, so was Reverend Billy Graham. His sin may not have been my particular sin or yours, but he was in need of a Savior all the same. He was a man that recognized that, not just in other people, but in himself.

Sometimes larger than life figures can seem to be above the crowd, better than the rest of us. But that was never true for Billy Graham.

No matter how great, how famous, how successful a person is in this life, they are still a sinner in need a Savior. Thankfully, Billy Graham knew that and pointed others towards that Savior.

In a time and culture where being famous is so important, it is powerful to see such a person grab onto humility. I’m sure Billy Graham recognized the draw that his name brought. I’m sure he was aware that it his name on the posters of countless crusades. But he never made it about himself.

With Billy Graham passing, I am struck with the harsh reminder that this life is not about me, my gain, my popularity, my impact on the world. It is this:

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” – Ecclesiastes 12:13 KJV


In his over 80 years of ministry, Billy Graham did a lot of good things. Over 200 million people heard him speak and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. He established minsitries in radio and film. He did everything that he could to spread the name of Jesus to the world.

That isn’t to say that he was a man that didn’t make mistakes. The Internet has made it very clear that Billy Graham didn’t do enough in his ministry for equality and the LGTBQ community.

Make of that what you will, but no one pastor, preacher, or teacher will ever be everything to everyone’s flavor of Christianity.

But Billy Graham was steadfast in his desire to honour God. Billy Graham knew what God had called him to do, and he was going to do it. Rain or shine, famous and not, the Gospel of Jesus Christ was going to be preached.

He took what God had given him and ran with it. He gave it all he had, until the Master came calling.

I am struck by how often I want to quit. Not my faith in God, but what God has called me to do. It isn’t big and flashy like Billy Graham. I’m not called to fill stadiums with people and establish ministries that will live on long after I’m gone. But that doesn’t change that God has called me to something. He has called you to something.

Even when Billy Graham’s physicality was taking its toll on him, he still gave what he could to further the name of Jesus. When I think about that I am humbled and ashamed that I do not work so hard to honour my God the same way.

Many have said it in their remembering and respects to Billy Graham, but I’ll say it anyway. I’m sure God will welcome Billy Graham into His joy and say,

“‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’”Matthew 25:21


There is no replacement for Billy Graham. Yes, his son, Franklin Graham is in charge of his minsitries, but he isn’t his father. No one will be Billy Graham. Even the “next” Billy Graham will be but a shadow of the real thing.

What do we do? What does America do without their pastor now?

My father, in his wisdom, didn’t think that today was a very sad day as I thought it was. A sinner had gone home, he said. I agreed, but protested saying that we had lost a pillar in modern Christianity. And there is no replacing that pillar.

“Yet, who will carry on?”

It was another great thought posed by my father. Who will carry on? We may not be Billy Graham, but will we carry on the work that Christ called all of us to? We may not be given the same task, the same burden to bear as Billy Graham, but will we keep striving to see Jesus’ name proclaimed to the nations? We may not have the resources or capacity to do everything that he did, but will we so dedicate ourselves to honouring and glorifying the name of Jesus, day in and day out?

It’s a question that demands reflection, deep and honest reflection. Then an answer. My answer, my ministry, my sharing the love of Jesus will look different that yours, different than Billy Graham’s, but we are still called to go.

Whether we have this pillar of North American Christianity or not, we follow the call of Jesus, in whatever way that may be, in whatever flavor of Christianity you subscribe to. We go and do as Jesus called us to, just as Billy Graham did.

What will we do now that Billy Graham is gone? Continue to do Christ’s work, just as Billy would have wanted.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”Matthew 28:19-20

All Scripture references provided by Biblegateway.com Be sure to check them out if you are looking for a verse, some commentaries to help you understand a passage, or a devotional to keep you in the Written Word every day. Or for those on the go, check out their app, available at the App Store, Google Play, and Amazon Fire.
Photo credit: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

This article first appeared on Christian Thought Sandbox.

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